Navigate to: Admin > Website > Edit Website > Settings > Advanced Features > Design Persistence
This feature allows persisting the design across the customized variants and templates even if they are customized with different rules and dimensions. Out of Box Artifi supports persisting a design only if the variant image is changed and views are not customized(inherited views), but by enabling this feature, all the customization done will get carried forward even if the variants are customized.
Also, during switching the templates, Out-of-the-Box Artifi clears the design that was customized on the last template and draws a new template design. By enabling this feature, the design will be carried forward even if the template is switched.
The administrators can now set-up the products to allow the designs to remain consistent across variants, views or templates.
- For enabling the design persistence go to Website>>Settings>>Advance Features and click on the Persist Design checkbox to enable the feature as shown in the below
- Click on the Add setting button which is highlighted in the below screenshot.
- There are 4 options variants, templates, view and persist design using widget key to persist a design in a product, select the appropriate options as per the requirement.