Get Order JSON

GET Designer/Services/GetOrderDetailXml?customizedProductId={customizedProductId}&websiteId={websiteId}&webApiClientKey={webApiClientKey}

If complete details of customized product that are added to cart or saved are required in xml format, this method can be used.

This method will return the order details of the specified customized product.

Request Information



Id of the customized (Saved/Added to cart) product. The product which is customized/designed using Artifi (Product customization tool) and saved or added to cart is called a customized product.

Customized product will be listed in the cart and the order status of the products will be "Added to cart".

This will be the product for which the user wants to place an order.

This customized product id will be the id of a product whose order details are required.


This is the website with which customized products are associated.

Admin users of Artifi can create one or more websites and assign products to each of the website.

The Id of the website with which user photos are associated should be specified in this parameter.


When any company gets registered with Artifi, Artifi will generate a special and unique key for that company which will be called as client key.

This client key will be found in the registered company's profile tab in Artifi Account.

This client key will be used for the client(company) authentication and will be called as WebApiClientKey.

On Success

On success, this method will return the customized product details in xml format as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<product xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
                    <orderdata specversion="1.0.0">
                    <createddate>12/2/2014 2:39:56 PM</createddate>
                    <modifieddate>12/2/2014 2:39:56 PM</modifieddate>
                    <designdata specversion="1.0.2">
                    <view id="2786" name="Front">
                    <objects json:Array="true" xmlns:json="">
                    <overlayFill />
                    <stroke />
                    <strokeDashArray />
                    <shadow />
                    <clipTo />
                    <widgetSubType />
                    <svgData />

Node Description

productThis node contains all the information regarding the Product that is added to cart. All nodes come under the Product node.
orderdataThis section contains all the details related to the order.
The unique design ID is generated on the add to cart/ save design.
The unique ID of the product that is added to the cart.
The name of the product that is added to the cart.
The unique code of the product that is added to the cart.

The unique variant code of the product that is added to the cart. [Not a mandatory field]

The unique ID of the website from where we have placed the order.
The Name of the website from where we have placed the order.
This node contains all the information related to the Product Attributes like their color, shape, size, and material depending on the setup.
This node contains all the data related to the customization we performed on the product.
This node contains details of all the widgets added to the product. [Image / Text / Arc Text]
This node contains the URL of the original uploaded file by the shopper.
The unique view ID of the product.
This node contains the URL of the original uploaded image / Clipart Image that will be used to generate the output files.
This node contains the details regarding the overlay image. The overlay image can be uploaded on the template as a mask. The overlay image is a transparent file.
This node contains the URL of the Preview design. Using the preview URL the shopper can view the customized design created.

This node contains the URL to access the PDF.

The PDF is a print-ready output.

You cannot directly access this URL unless your IP is whitelisted.

On Failure

On failure, this method will return the following response based on parameters.

If the customizedProductId is passed as 0, then it will give message.
"CustomizedProductId / DesignId should not be empty or null."

If the webApiClientKey is passed as null or not provided, then it will give message.
"WebApiclientKey should not be empty or null."

If the customizedProductId does not exist, then it will give the message.
"Invalid  customizedProductId / DesignId."

If the webApiClientKey does not exist, then it will give the message.
"Invalid webApiclientKey."

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