Get Customized Product Ids By Order Status

GET Designer/Services/GetCustomizedProductIdsByOrderStatus?orderStatus={orderStatus}&websiteId={websiteId}&webApiClientKey={webApiClientKey}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

If you want to get the all customized product ID collection on the basis of order status, this method would be helpful.

This operation returns the collection of customized product data that are saved or added to the cart for a particular website.

In this API there is the limit for response. It will return only 1000 records in a single call.

Request Information



This is the string of the order status to get the customized product data collection.

OrderStatus can be Placed, InProgress, RequestQuote, Draft, or Email.


This is the ID for a particular website that is created using an Artifi account by the associated e-commerce website that the user is using.

Artifi Admin users can create one or more websites and assign products to each of these website(s).

The Id of the website with which the user is associated should be specified in this parameter.


When any company gets registered with Artifi, Artifi will generate a unique key for that company which will be its client key.

This client key will be found in the registered company's profile tab in Artifi Account.

This client key will be used for the client(company) authentication and will be called as WebApiClientKey.

fromDate & toDate [Optional]

These are optional parameters

If this parameters are not passed then the user would get all the Products from the search.

If fromDate and toDate are passed then the user would get product data according to the customized product data in the ascending order.

format is MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss and should be in UTC TimeZone

PageIndex & PageSize [Optional]    

These are optional parameters

If these parameters are not passed then the user would get all the customized product data collection in the ascending order.

If PageIndex and PageSize are passed then only the related list would load.

application/json, text/json


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