Adding Clipart Family

Navigate to : Merchandise > Clipart >  “Add New” Action

Steps to Add a Clipart Family

  1. Hover on "Merchandise", from the top menu bar in the admin.
  2. Choose the "Cliparts" sub-menu under the Merchandise menu.
  3. Click on the "Add New" button.
  4. Below screen will appear to fill in the details.
  5. Add the details in the required field.
  6. Save progress using the "Save" button. Clipart Family will be added and it will start reflecting in the list of clipart family.

Clipart Family Field Details

Field Name
Field Descriptions
Clipart Family Name
Clipart Family Name is to categorize cliparts into different sections. The name is an identification of the place where the cliparts are kept. Example: Automotive.

If the name of the clipart family is Automotive then all the logo images related to automotive will go in this family.

Clipart Family Display Name

This clipart name will be displayed on the designer.
Clipart Family Code
This unique code will be used if there is any customization in any of the products.
Display Image
Upload a display image for the clipart family to be displayed. This is the category of the clipart where the folder will have a display image.
Client Code

The client code is a new feature that enables the User to identify a particular Clip art family for the client within the admin.

If the user has multiple customers then with the help of the client code the user can identify which Clip art family set is assigned to a particular client.

Note: This feature is available as per the requirement of the Customer.

CategorySelect the category under which this clipart is created. This is to sort the clipart by category.
Select Family Type

There are two types of family public:

1. Public:- If Public is selected then it will be available to assign to the front designer.

2. Private:- If private is selected then it will be available to admin users where an admin user can use these private cliparts for showing it in default design.

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