Navigate To: Merchandise > Product Setup > 3D Product Angle > “Add New” Action
Steps to Add an Angle
1. Click on 3D Product Angle on left Navigation and then click on “Add New” button. Below Screen will appear.
2. Add all the required 3D Product details.
3. Add a minimum of one Grid / Mask using the “Add New Grid/Mask'' at the bottom of the page. Then, click on the Save button on the top right corner of the page.
4. To add a Mask, Select the Mask checkbox as shown below to add a mask.
5. After adding all the details of angle, grid and mask click on the save button on the top right corner of the page. Angle will be added with grids and mask and a confirmation message will be displayed.
Angle Details
Field Name | Field Descriptions |
Angle Name | This is the angle name of the product. This should be the same as the base image name. This is for identification of the angle. |
Display Name | This is the display name of the angle. If this is entered then the website user can see this name. If this name is not entered then the website user will see the angle name. |
Display Order | This is the display order of angle for the purpose of sequencing the angle. |
Angle Base Image | This is the base image of the product. Base image is always a grey color image as it is a neutral color. If any other color is added on it then it takes a proper color, it does not get mixed. If other than grey is used then there is a chance of getting mixed with other colorful colors. |
Angle Code | This is the code of the image. This code is used for custom development. |
Chain Name | This is the chain name. For Eg. “mainChain”. |
Angle Display Image | This image is for display. This image is for display purpose which is rendered before the base image of the product from liquid pixel. |
Grid Details
Field Name | Field Descriptions |
Grid Name | This is the grid name. This grid name is for easy identification in admin so that if there are any changes then you can change or update the proper grid. Grid File name and grid name should be same |
X Position | This is the X (left) position of the grid. This allows us to define the left position of the grid on the product. |
Y Position | This is the Y (top) position of the grid. This allows us to define the top position of the grid on the product. |
View Name | Select the view name of the product. |
Composite Mode | Over : - If over is selected then the clipart that is applied will not have the effect on the original image. It will look like a plain image. Multiply :- This is used for the image effect after applying clipart. For example if there is a fold in fabric then it will have the effect of fold. |
Grid File | Upload grid file. This is the grid file on which the texture area is defined. This is the grid where text and image objects can be added. Grid name and Grid file name should be the same. |
Mask Details
Field Name | Field Descriptions |
Mask Name | This is the mask name of the mask for easy identification of the mask in admin. |
Mask Color Field | This is the attribute linked with colors. |
Mask Color Mapping Value | This is the mapping of the parts of the product for which color needs to be changed. |