Adding Colors

Navigate to: Merchandise > Colors > “Add New” Action


Steps to Add Colors

  1. Hover on Merchandise, from the top menu bar in admin.
  2. Choose the Color sub menu under Merchandise Menu.solid black circle
  3. Click on the Add New button.solid black circle
  4. Below screen will appear.solid black circle
  5. After entering all the details click on the save button.solid black circle
  6. After saving a message will be displayed as Color(s) has been created successfully.

Color Field Details

Field Name

Field Descriptions
Color NameThis is the name of the color. Example :- Black
Display NameThis is the name of the color which will be displayed. Example :- Black
Hex ValueThis is the Hex Value of the color. This color is displayed as a swatch color while creating rules for text in text properties.This is displayed on the front designer as text swatch colors. Example: #000000

This is the code for price integration of color.

If you want a price to show in front designer on your website on a particular text color then you can custom code and it will reflect in a front designer.

Color Type
  1. Non-Texture - Here when a user adds a hex code the color will be displayed on the basis of color hex code.
  2. Texture: Users can add a texture image and it will be applied to the text and images.

From here you can upload the swatch image of the color.

This is the swatch of the color image which is displayed in a font layout. Swatch image should be of 50 X 50 Size.


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