Adding Template

Navigate To: Merchandise > Templates > “Add New” Action

Steps to Add a Template

  1. Hover on “Merchandise”, from the top menu bar in the admin.
  2. Choose the “Template” sub-menu under the Merchandise menu.
    solid black circle 
  3. The template list will appear as shown below.
    solid black circle 
  4. Click on the “Add New” button. Below screen will appear.

  5. Enter the details tab by tab.

    1. Template: 

      1. Type: Keep the template type always mixed.

      2. Name: Add the template name. This is a unique field so all the template names will have a unique name. 

      3. Display Name: This is the display name of the template. This is the name that is displayed on the designer. If the display name is not added, the template name is displayed.

      4. Code: Code is added on a requirement basis. If there is any custom requirement it can be used. This is an optional field to add.

    2. View Image: From this section users can upload the view image of the product where canvas needs to be drawn. Users can create the canvas without uploading the image as well

      1. Select Image: By default “None” radio button is selected. To upload the product image, click on the “Upload” radio button. A New popup will appear.

      2. Click on the “Upload” button and give a path of the image to upload the image.

      3. Double click on the image to select it and click on the “Open” button from the above screen.  

      4. Once the image is selected the name of the name will be shown in the popup below the “Upload” button and “Continue” button will get activated.

      5. Click on the “Continue” button and the image will appear in the background of the canvas.

      6. Display Image: Upload a display image in case the template created is used for a monogram. This image is of 100 x 100 px with a transparent background, .png image.

    3. Print Setting: Print Area is an actual dimension of the design (i.e. output file) created and the canvas area will be generated on the basis of the print area. Both the print area and the canvas area are a replica of each other

      1. Width and Height: These are the actual print output dimensions where the design will be printed. Based on this the canvas area in the next tab the area is defined on the product image that is a replica of the print area in the exact ratio.

      2. Unit: The width and height can be shown either in px (pixels) or in inches. By default the unit is selected as pixels. The pixel value is calculated on the basis of the 90. 1 Inches is equal to 90 pixels in Artifi. Units can be directly added in inches by just selecting the unit as inches and then adding a value. And if anyone changes units to pixels, the user will see the converted value in pixels.

    4. Canvas Area: Canvas area is a representation of the print area which is used to show on web pages. Print Area and Canvas Area go hand in hand and both should be in exactly the same proportion. Canvas Area can be set by dragging the mouse pointer and scaling the canvas as per the requirements and can be placed at the required area. Note: If the view image is not uploaded, the maximum value that can be used to create a canvas is 1000 x 1000 pixels. To increase the size of the canvas it is mandatory to upload the view image larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels image.

      1. Width and Height: These values are the representation of the print area on the image. Canvas area is defined on the product image. Canvas area is in the same ratio as the print area unless there is any other specific case to generate an output.

      2. X Position: X position is calculated on the image from the left edge of the image. To move the canvas from left to right or right to left this value can be increased or decreased.

      3. Y Position: Y position is calculated on the image from the top edge of the image. To move the canvas from top to bottom or bottom to top this value can be increased or decreased.

      4. Unit: The width and height can be shown either in px (pixels) or in inches. By default the unit is selected as pixels. The pixel value is calculated on the basis of the 90. 1 Inches is equal to 90 pixels in Artifi. Units can be directly added in inches by just selecting the unit as inches and then adding a value. And if anyone changes units to pixels, the user will see the converted value in pixels.

    5. Go to the Decoration Method tab, select the Decoration Method.

    6. Once all the details are added, click on the "Save" button from the top right corner of the page. 

  6. Once the template is saved, add the text image or give a blank template to the shopper as per the requirement.

    1. Blank Template (Open Canvas): Allow the shopper to create their own design where they can decide to add the text, image, or logo as per their requirement. For this, it is necessary to assign the rules in "Global Settings". The global Settings button will be enabled once the template has been saved from the top right corner of the page. Once the yellow button is enabled, the admin user will be able to assign the rules to it.

      1. Global Settings: This setting is used so that the shopper will have the facility to add the text, arc text, or the image/logo on the designer. To assign the rules from the settings click on the "Global Setting" highlighted below. 

      2. A pop will appear to assign the rules. 

      3. Click on the "Allow Text" checkbox and then click on the "Assign" button shown in the above screen to assign the rule.

      4. A popup will appear with all the rules with respect to the tab selected. On the above screen, the text is selected so all the text rules will appear as shown below.

      5. Select the rule that needs to be assigned and click on the "Done" button. Similarly follow the same steps to assign the "Image" and "Arc Text" rules by going to the "Image" and "Arc Text" tab in the popup. Once the rule is assigned click on the "Cross" icon on the top right corner of the popup to close it.

      6. Click on the "Save" button from the top right corner of the after-closing rule popup. This step is necessary if not the rules that have been assigned in the previous steps will be no longer available.

    2. Predefined Template or Design (Closed Canvas): Shoppers will be able to update the existing design and update the text and image or logo. Shoppers would not be able to change the placement of the text and image that is already defined in the admin. To show a predefined template on the designer in admin use the tab menu on the right of the screen to assign and place Text, Images, and Arc text widgets in the Canvas Area. An example of the predefined template is shown below.

      1. Click on the "Text", "Arc Text"  and "Image" from a vertical tab to add text, image and arc text on the canvas.

      2. To add a text on the canvas click on the "Text" tab as shown below.

      3. Click on the "Add Text" button to add text on the canvas area. Text will be added to the canvas.

      4. Click on the "Assign" button a popup will appear to assign the text rule.

      5. Click on the text rule radio button and click on the "Done" button and the text rule will be assigned.

      6. Similarly, add the arc text or the image widget on the canvas. Example of the predefined template.

  7. Click on the "Save" button from the top right corner of the page once the rules for text, arc text, and image have been assigned. Admin users can assign the rules as per the requirement

Below are the Details in the tabular format for each tab.

Template Details

Property Name


Mixed: Always select the mixed-type templates.


This is the name of the template for easy identification. This is a unique value and has to have a unique name for each template.

Display Name

The display name of a template is displayed on the designer. If the display name is not added the template name will be shown on the front designer.


Code is added on a requirement basis. If there is any custom requirement it can be used. This is an optional field to add.

View Image Details

Property NameDetails
None / UploadBy default, the "None" option will be selected. Click on the upload radio button to add the product image where the print area and the canvas area need to be defined.
Display ImageAdministrators can upload the display image which is shown as a thumbnail against the product image. This is mainly used for monogram templates.

Print Area Details

The print Area is the actual dimension of the design that will be printed on the product. Artifi generates the output with the values added in the print area.

Property NameDetails
Width and Height  The Width and Height dimensions of the design out to be created by Artifi.
UnitThe width and height can be shown either in px (pixels) or in inches. By default, the unit is selected as pixels. The pixel value is calculated on the basis of the 90. 1 Inch is equal to 90 pixels in Artifi. Units can be directly added in inches by just selecting the unit as inches and then adding a value. And if anyone changes units to pixels, the user will see the converted value in pixels.

Canvas Area Tab Details

The canvas area is a representation of the print area which is used to show on web pages. The print area and Canvas Area go hand in hand and both should be in exact same proportion.

View Image Tab PropertiesDetails
Height and WidthThe Height and Width dimensions of the Canvas Area on the Product Image
X and Y Coordinates of the Canvas

Both, X and Y coordinates will always start from the top left corner of the product image. X Coordinate is the point starting from the left of the image whereas Y coordinate is the point from the top of the image. Arrow is an indication of the starting point in the given below image.

In the screengrab below Canvas Width=484 px, Height=660px, X=260 px and Y=156 px

Decoration Method Tab Details

Decoration Method needs to be selected before saving the template. All the deco methods created in the Decoration Method section will reflect in this tab for the admin user to select and set the template as per the requirement.

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