This API is used to Activate Views based on the trigger event that the client specifies in their workflow.
If any deactivated view is to be made active this api will get triggered and the view status will change to active in the Arifi admin.
This API requires the SKU to be passed in the ‘skus’ parameter , whose order status is to be changed and the ID of the associated website.
It returns the response object, which contains the status of the operation along with the message if any error occurs during this process.
Request Information
Response Information
Response body formats
On Success
On success, this method will call back the JavaScript method in the website which is specified in the "successCallback" parameter with success Message.
"Response": "Success",
"Message": "View Code Front is activated successfully;",
"Data": null,
"ErrorCode": ""
On Error
On error, this method will call back the JavaScript method in the website which is specified in the "errorCallback" parameter with errorMessage.
"Response": "Error",
"Message": "Invalid website id. Invalid user email.",
"Data": null,
"ErrorCode": "221,234,273"