When the end user visits your ecommerce website, the user may be registered with your website or may be a new user. If the user does not have an account in an ecommerce website, he will be treated as a guest user and if the user has the account and logged in to the e-commerce website, he/she will be called as logged in user.
The end user will then browse the product that he/she wants to buy. If the user wants to customize the product before he/she buys, the user will click on “Customize” or a similar button.
Your e-commerce website will then call the Artifi engine to allow the user to customize the product that the user wants to buy. While calling the Artifi engine, you have to specify the user id and the flag which will represent that the user is a guest or logged in in the call.
If the user is a registered user in your ecommerce website, you have to pass the id of the user in the call to Artifi. If the user is a guest on the ecommerce website, create a temporary id for the user and pass that id to the Artifi while calling the Artifi engine or adding the Artifi application in your e-commerce website as well as pass the flag that the user is a guest user.
Artifi editors will then get opened with the product that users want to customize. For this Artifi server will check if any data like images present on the Artifi server for the user whose id is specified in the call. If the data like images present for the particular user then Artifi will display that image in the customization editor.
Enduser will then customize the product. For customization, users may need to upload some images that will be useful to him/her in customizing the product. Artifi allows the user to upload the images in its editor. If the user uploads the images, Artifi server will save that images across the user id for their future use. When the user customizes the product and adds it to the cart or saves the customized product, Artifi will save the design on its server across the user id.
Updating Guest User to Logged in
If the guest user wants to check out the product that he/she has customized, your e-commerce website has to ask the user to register with your website. Enduser will then register and you will then generate the new permanent id for that user. Now you have to notify the Artifi server that the id of the user is now changed. For this purpose, you have to call the Artifi method to update the user id so that all the data that might be saved across the old temporary id of the guest user will now get saved across the newly created user id. Also, the flag that represents the user is guest or loggedin should also get changed.
Please refer to the End User Product Configuration FlowConfigurator