Assigning Fonts to Embroidery Font Set

Navigate to : Merchandise > Font Family >Embroidery Font Set > "Assign Fonts" Action

Steps to Assign Fonts to Embroidery Font Set

  1. Click on the "Assign Fonts" button to assign the embroidery font in the set.AssignembFonts.png
  2. A popup will appear.AssignembFontspopup.png

  3. Select the required fonts and click on "Update Assignment" button to assign the fonts.Embfontassingnedsuccessfully.png
  4. If an admin user wants to change the order of the fonts, the user can modify the sequence by updating the numbers as shown below.Embfontsorders.png
  5. Once the order has been set properly, click on the "Save" button on the top right corner of the page.Embfontupdatedsuccessfully.png

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